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Bloody kamisori!

Well after honing up my kamisori last weekend I needed to go back to the hones last night. The natural shape of the blade doesn't keep the edge elevated and so it lost its sharpness the first time I used it and put it away. Well 15 minutes later I was good to go.
Missus Badger was in bed watching TV so I went into the bathroom and prepped, stropped and lathered up. Second stroke and ouch, it bit me lightly next to my right sideburn. Ok, so it was sharp and pointy.
I decided to play it safe and dull the point on a stray aftershave bottle, finishing the right cheek and jaw and left lower neck without incident. Confidence now soaring on my second kami shave, I took it to the left cheek with my left hand, scrapped my cheek below my left sideburn and luckily didn't draw blood. Safe in the knowledge that the tip was blunt, I carried on and on the next stroke I hit a gusher. "Ow", was my first though. "****", was my second. "Oooh", blood my third and "Go get a real straight" was my fourth.
Gave the kami shave up as a bad job, carried on with my straight and somehow managed to open up my lip in the corner.
All in all a crap shave, three cuts but a DFS. I'm now going to banish the kami for a while until I build up sufficient courage to try again. Three nicks in one shave is my new record. Needless to say, Mrs Badger was a little worried when she saw the blood running from just below my ear, along my jawline to the bottom of my chin. Luckily this morning all the nicks look pretty minor, I'd say none longer than 1/2 an inch so I should be back in the saddle soon enough.
Cheers Xander. Next time I'll not have a couple of beers and a glass of wine before hand either! Maybe that contributed to my spectacular failure.
I'm not going to let myself be defeated but at the moment I'm in the process of attending interviews for a new job so I don't fancy meeting my future employer with a face like Freddy!

Damn Clydesdale just isn't up to carrying me anymore.
I am in a similar position – one shavein with a Kamasori. First shave was notbloody, but I found my technique did not work well when trying to keep only oneside of the blade next to face. I got therazor from another B&B member that had honed it on a Jnat progression and itwas SHARP.

I will try again, but am waiting for a day when time isnot an issue.

Good luck with the jop interview!

Cheers Chuck.

I know what you mean with the angle issue, on one side it likes to be nice and flat against the face and on the other you've got to kick it out before it wants to shave. Difficult to get used to it after only using a straight for the past 2 months. Still I hate giving up before I've got the hang of something, I'll let these heal and then let loose.
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