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BLL vs. Summer

Bud Light Lime beats summer every time. (for me at least)

Honestly, even as a beer brewer and as a person who dislikes mass produced light lagers, this crisp libation is the one exception. I'd usually hate to admit it (especially because it comes out of the bottom of anhueser-busch's tank) but I can only keep 3 or 4 in the fridge at a time to keep myself from subconsciously going to the fridge for more.

I would never compare it to a crafted brew that someone spent a lot of time putting together, flavor note by flavor note. I would compare it more to soda; and I hate soda and love beer, so this seems like my obvious alternative in hot weather (only drink it from April to October)

3 years ago, after swearing away the corporate swill, if I heard myself say this I probably would have committed seppuku, but I found myself at the beach with corona's and fresh limes (also not something I love to buy- but SWMBO loves the stuff)...or should I say fresh sandy limes. Bud light lime cut all the hassle out and I ended up actually liking the stuff....more than I could ever tolerate the Corona

What do you guys think? Have I wronged my craft brew brothers? Anyone else like this stuff?

Not really my cup of tea

But on a hot sweaty summer day nothing beats a High Life, esp after working in the yard.
I think of it as rehydration.

(I brew my own beer as well and generally prefer porters and stouts)
Not really my cup of tea

But on a hot sweaty summer day nothing beats a High Life, esp after working in the yard.
I think of it as rehydration.

(I brew my own beer as well and generally prefer porters and stouts)

Yup... Cut the grass with one in the lawnmower's cup holder, haha

I have a buddy who loves high life, I just can't do it.
Would I drink it if handed to me..... Yes. Would I buy it.... No. But if you like it, why not.

I also home brew. My favorite home brew for summer is Kolsch. Hope to start one of those in the next few weeks.

Just racked an IPA yesterday, 5 gal batch... might get us through July so I was thinking of doing a cervesa style ale and brewing/adding during secondary some key lime peels to try my own hand at the BLL flavor phenomenon to enjoy for late summer
Not in exchange for money, but if someone else is buying I'll drink it (this applies to most things).

ibrewbeer: Don't use the whole peel. If you want to add a lime flavor you'll want to use the zest only. Dropping the whole peel in will give you mostly the pith flavor (not tasty). Also know that the citrus oils will kill your head, if you want to keep that I'd suggest using vodka to extract the flavor from the zest (you'll need a fair bit of it) and then use that in the beer.
Not in exchange for money, but if someone else is buying I'll drink it (this applies to most things).

ibrewbeer: Don't use the whole peel. If you want to add a lime flavor you'll want to use the zest only. Dropping the whole peel in will give you mostly the pith flavor (not tasty). Also know that the citrus oils will kill your head, if you want to keep that I'd suggest using vodka to extract the flavor from the zest (you'll need a fair bit of it) and then use that in the beer.

I have used the sweet orange peel before that comes dried at the homebrew store, and you're right, it is mostly shaved zest, there is very little sign of pith on those peel chips. I have debated over whether or not to just buy the extract or make it out of the zest and grain alcohol...lol I am getting forums confused as I am a member of homebrewtalk as well
I have used the sweet orange peel before that comes dried at the homebrew store, and you're right, it is mostly shaved zest, there is very little sign of pith on those peel chips. I have debated over whether or not to just buy the extract or make it out of the zest and grain alcohol...lol I am getting forums confused as I am a member of homebrewtalk as well

Hey me too (same SN), haven't been on there in a while though as school's gotten in the way of brewing. The extracts are pretty good but also expensive for what you get, as long as you avoid the pith you should be fine.
Hey me too (same SN), haven't been on there in a while though as school's gotten in the way of brewing. The extracts are pretty good but also expensive for what you get, as long as you avoid the pith you should be fine.

Yeah I'm afraid of a sour, like life saver lime flavor from those extracts...I'm going to have to do some research, luckily I have a month or so. Might even do a gallon or 2.5 to test, I knew I saved those Carlo Rossi bottles for something...haha
I don't know guys. As a wannabe brewer I just can't go anything malt with citrus in it. At least real citrus chunks thrown in. I have made beer before. Brown ale from an extract kit. Very drinkable. We have a local brewpub that is beyond fantastic. However, after discovering Hefeweizen, Weissbier, and Witbiers, I can't really gut the light lagers. I am not one of those who hammers the big boys either. Most accomplished home brewers I know are very admiring of them. The consistency, etc. They just don't like their products.:biggrin1: I agree with those who say any free beer is okay. Why not? However, I am convinced that something in the light, mass produced beers does not agree with my chemistry. It is not hops that is for sure. Our local guys make a Blue Sky Rye beer that is LOADED with Cascade and other big citrus types hops. I think it must either be the rice adjuncts or the way they carbonate it. It just flat out gives me a headache after two or three bottles. As someone who always drank stuff like stouts, porters, and other chewy beers, it was hard for me to get used to trying lighter stuff. However, after tasting the hefeweizens with their clove/banana tastes and the witbiers with the coriander and orange for bitters, I have found my "light beer".

As an aside, I noticed whilst Googling one day that some of the Belgain witbiers use umalted wheat. Is this the same as grabbing up some red wheat from a farmer or is it a special strain? Just wondering since I live in a state that produces more wheat than any other.

Regards, Todd
OHHHH yes... it is definitely adjuncts, one of the biggest reasons most people don't like them. Once you start playing with where the sugars come from it really messes with the chemistry of the final product which of course can effect your body chemistry differently as well
Down here in Mexico City a popular competitor with Corona is Sol. They make a version of their beer with the lime and salt included... wonder if this is similar to the BLL?

By the way, I used to be a home brewer in NC and when I moved to Mexico a year ago I promised I'd never drink Coronas or their ilk. But, they are pretty refreshing when it's hot outside. I find it helps not to think of them as a real beer but rather a "beer-like-flavored-beverage". This assuages my conscience...:biggrin1:
Down here in Mexico City a popular competitor with Corona is Sol. They make a version of their beer with the lime and salt included... wonder if this is similar to the BLL?

By the way, I used to be a home brewer in NC and when I moved to Mexico a year ago I promised I'd never drink Coronas or their ilk. But, they are pretty refreshing when it's hot outside. I find it helps not to think of them as a real beer but rather a "beer-like-flavored-beverage". This assuages my conscience...:biggrin1:

I have had Sol and I think the type of beer with lime AND salt (BLL has no salt) you are refering to is chelada or michelada (addition of hot sauce)...it's good with BBQ and seafood
BLL has some funky artificial taste I can't get over. Anywasy, it's just a chelada rip-off, and poorly done. Classic Mexican summer drink - take some margarita mix, squeeze a fresh lime into it, pour the coldest cheapest beer you can find over it. Enjoy. Repeat.

Man, Bud Light Lime is seriously the most vile stuff ever created. Well, next to Miller Chill. I couldn't even choke down a whole one. My ultimate summer brew is Berlinerweiss. Perfectly (and sometimes puckeringly) refreshing session beer. I'm really digging the SA Noble Pils when I'm in the mood for a lighter lager (until it runs out).

I really don't have too much problem adding fruit/citrus to beer. Corona with lime isn't something I drink every day, or even once a month, but it is a guilty pleasure. BLL doesn't come close. It just doesn't have the biting acidity of actually adding a lime.

Phog - the headache is probably Acetaldehyde, esp if its coming from Bud products. Budweiser is known for their uncommonly high level of Acetaldehyde, which in high concentrations smells like green apples. Also, to your witbier question, you can use any unmalted wheat. Most recipes call for flaked wheat since it can be added straight to the mash. If you use raw wheat, you will need to do a cereal mash to gelatanize the starches.
Not really my cup of tea

But on a hot sweaty summer day nothing beats a High Life, esp after working in the yard.
I think of it as rehydration.

(I brew my own beer as well and generally prefer porters and stouts)

+1!!! My wife hates it, thinks it just a cheap beer. Doesn't believe me when I tell her it's named the "champagne of beers" for a reason!
Man, Bud Light Lime is seriously the most vile stuff ever created. Well, next to Miller Chill. I couldn't even choke down a whole one.

lol, this is more like what I was expecting! I cannot explain my pallet, lol, I like all sorts of stuff, and never has bud anything been on that list... But I can't justify not drinking it out of principal because I do enjoy it...
lol, this is more like what I was expecting! I cannot explain my pallet, lol, I like all sorts of stuff, and never has bud anything been on that list... But I can't justify not drinking it out of principal because I do enjoy it...

I'm a big believer in drinking what you enjoy. I love Rolling Rock in the summer even if other people I know think it tastes like fizzy water but I drink it because I like it. Hell I drank gallons of Nasty Lite in college because I loved it..........ok actually because it was dirt cheap but you get my point.
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