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Blade suggestion for short comb NEW

I'm thinking about trying an Astra for my first open comb shave tomorrow. I'm also thinking about using a Red IP, sort of the "aggressive razor/mild blade" theory.

I know YMMV and all that, but what blade seems to work for you in your short comb NEW? Especially for those with a lighter beard.
I'd second your choice of an Astra. Nice smooth blade that seems to work in just about any razor.
Very nice shave this morning. Loaded an Astra in the NEW, lathered-up with some Tabac. Effortlessly mowed through two days of growth. Got a BBS in two passes, which is normally what it takes with my other razors, but it was just easier with this setup. I didn't have to do any touch-ups at all. I was a bit nervous about going ATG, but no issues there, either. Nary a weeper or irritation. Not even any burn from the VIBR! At least part of the OC's effectiveness has to be that the open-comb design leaves a lot of lather behind for the blade to glide through.

We'll see how the rest of the week plays out, but if it's anything like today, this might be my go-to razor for the time being. Now I see what all the fuss is about open-combs!
Very nice shave this morning. Loaded an Astra in the NEW, lathered-up with some Tabac. Effortlessly mowed through two days of growth. Got a BBS in two passes, which is normally what it takes with my other razors, but it was just easier with this setup. I didn't have to do any touch-ups at all. I was a bit nervous about going ATG, but no issues there, either. Nary a weeper or irritation. Not even any burn from the VIBR! At least part of the OC's effectiveness has to be that the open-comb design leaves a lot of lather behind for the blade to glide through.

We'll see how the rest of the week plays out, but if it's anything like today, this might be my go-to razor for the time being. Now I see what all the fuss is about open-combs!

Try it with a heavier handle and load up with a Feather. That'll go through anything as smooth as silk, as long as you're careful.
I have found that my SC, when loaded with a sharp blade like a Med Prep or Gillette Yellow, does great on several days growth. It's only when I try to use it day to day that it becomes irritating. In my experience, it's just too aggressive for day to day shaving.
Astras always seem to be good to start with. I like my NEW SC or LC with Polsilver SI, Gillette Black, Feather, Gillette Silver Blue or Wilkies. I think the LC is better for every day use, but the SC seems a bit better when I've got more than a day's growth.
I'm an every-other-day shaver, so this razor might be exactly what I need. I'm still a little shocked that I didn't get a little irritation, especially on the ATG pass. We'll see how it does Wednesday morning with one day's growth.
Not sure how the short comb shaves, but my long comb + Gillette 7 O'clock SharpEdge (Yellow) is a match made in heaven. Lab blue works quite well also. Polsilver SI works, but in my experience the Yellows are smoother.
I'm new to open combs in general. Had a rocky week with a Cadet OC and Personna Lab. I have a Gillette Goodwill New long comb and am finding that mt regular go to blade, Astra SP, is a nice match. Matter of fact, I'm going with that match up for the month of October for the Highlander Challenge.
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