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Blade mania!

September 1st will be my 1 year anniversary on this site!! I never would have guessed it but in that time I've amassed 242 blades mostly through trades. I think I have quite a nice selection.

48 7 O'Clock Yellows
40 Astra SPs
19 Derbys
18 Polsilvers
17 Personna Reds
15 Voskhods
10 Feathers
10 Personna Israeli Blues
9 Gillette Silver Blues
7 Personna Blue Meds
7 Gillette 7 O'Clock Blacks
5 Gillette 7 O'Clock Greens
5 Rapiras
5 Bluebirds
5 Super-Max Super Plats
5 Shark SS
5 Shark SC
5 Personna Barbers
3 Astra SS
3 Perma Sharp Supers
1 Wilkinson Sword

Those brands that are underlined, I haven't even tried yet!! :ohmy:
So far, I've been working from the bottom of the list and using the various blades until they are gone and then move on to the next blade. At my current rate of blade use, this supply will last over 4 years.

For those of you who have been at this for a while, once you pretty much get past the experimentation phase, do you settle on 1 or 2 blades and buy a working supply of them or do you continue to seek out and enjoy a large variety of different blades? Right now I see myself noting which blades are good, average or bad and once they are used up, find a good deal on a blade from my most preferred list and sticking with that until the supply is gone. I guess I'd be a 1 blade at a time guy from a list of most preferred options. What do you do?

Are there any blades not appearing on the list that I really shouldn't miss?
You just list 5 Gillette 7 O'Clock Greens Are they the Russian greens, or the (very different) Indian greens? Inquiring minds want to know
You just list 5 Gillette 7 O'Clock Greens Are they the Russian greens, or the (very different) Indian greens? Inquiring minds want to know

They are the Russian greens. It's kind of odd that they would put out blades under the same name that would differ so significantly. (Though I haven't tried either yet.)
For those of you who have been at this for a while, once you pretty much get past the experimentation phase, do you settle on 1 or 2 blades and buy a working supply of them

I use either Astras or Lab Blues. All my others, and there are lots of others, pretty much sit. I'll probably PIF 'em someday.
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