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Blade disposal

Hi All,
I asked about blade disposal some time ago. I got pretty neat suggestions: blade disposals in cans of soda, well designed bins made with cans of broth, etc.
However, I discovered that the box where the blades come in has its own disposal mechanism that is very hard to crack open.
Nobody mentioned this.
So, is that the best way to dispose of your blades (putting them through the slot in the blade box)? Why is it better to use a separate disposal mechanism?

Hi All,
I asked about blade disposal some time ago. I got pretty neat suggestions: blade disposals in cans of soda, well designed bins made with cans of broth, etc.
However, I discovered that the box where the blades come in has its own disposal mechanism that is very hard to crack open.
Nobody mentioned this.
So, is that the best way to dispose of your blades (putting them through the slot in the blade box)? Why is it better to use a separate disposal mechanism?


It's boring. It is more fun to talk about stuffing the walls with used DE blades, so archeologists have something to analyze in coming centuries. Besides, some of us are really OCD. Making blade banks is a craft.
Hi All,
I asked about blade disposal some time ago. I got pretty neat suggestions: blade disposals in cans of soda, well designed bins made with cans of broth, etc.
However, I discovered that the box where the blades come in has its own disposal mechanism that is very hard to crack open.
Nobody mentioned this.
So, is that the best way to dispose of your blades (putting them through the slot in the blade box)? Why is it better to use a separate disposal mechanism?


Relative noob here, but I think it's because not all blades come packaged like that.
Correct. Not all blades will have some way of disposing of them. I used the can-o-veggie method since I have a safety can opener that cuts on the side of the lid. I cut the lid off, dumped the veggies in a pan to cook, used a rotary tool to cut a slot in the lid, and then super-glued the lid back down. It will hold far more than any blade disposal thingy that you get with your blades, is cheap, and I can put at least a couple years' worth of blades in it. If I get too obsessive about it, I suppose I could decorate the thing since it will be in use for a while...
I was browsing a local home furnishing store and found an awesome piggy bank with a bright red ambulance on the side! Perfect size and design for my discarded blades. It sits atop my shave supply cabinet..
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