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Blade case suggestions/where to getone

Alrightim looking for a way to store my blades other than just in the little cardboard boxes something classy would be nice so what do peoe here use and whereabouts could I find some

Hit some antique stores and see if you can find some vintage Gillette blade cases. They look like a Zippo lighter.
Not that I know of. You can try a WTB also and see if you can get some from a member.

If you cannot get one through the B/S/T forum, then you can also try that large auction site. These cases appear quite regularly. Often, the seller does not know what they are. So starting prices vary widely. (Just because it is "old", some sellers think they have a priceless treasure.)

However, if you are patient and diligent, you should be able to pick one up for next to nothing.

Happy shopping ...

Alrightim looking for a way to store my blades other than just in the little cardboard boxes something classy would be nice so what do peoe here use and whereabouts could I find some


If you want a rotation of classy containers for your razor blades, then next time you go to a top notch restaurant or hotel, ask for matches. The best places sometimes give out their matches in boxes which fit razor blades perfectly, and when you find this, get several. Put the matches in a waterproof cylinder like the kind you can get at REI, and keep the boxes to carry your loose razor blades. The boxes are of course not durable, but if they get worn, its a good excuse for another nice meal or hotel stay. Currently, I keep my loose blades in a Hotel Sacher Wein matchbox.
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