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Blade advice if you please.

Been shaving with my DE Edwin razor for about 2 months now using feather blades, whilst I have no issues, great shave, no burn, it's time to order some blades, being relatively new to DE shaving, I realise that feather are one of the sharpest, however, will I get just as close / deep a shave with another blade, ie should I just order some more feathers or try a sampler??
The best answer is to get a sampler. Everyone is different, and you just might find a better blade than the Feathers. Keep a written record of each so that you'll know. Good luck, and have fun trying different ones.
I'd say stick with feathers, but if you want to save money, you could try some others too...
Whats your beard type and skin type? Personnas are comparable to feathers some say but ymmv of course.
I'd say I have a normal skin type, with medium beard type, not about. Saving money really, just found hts site and saw that feathers were the sharpest so tried them, had some great shaves, never going back to cartridge and love the whole shaving / pampering experience, I was just wondering is sharpest always best, ie would I get a great shave with something perhaps not as sharp as a feather!?
I'm hesitant to recommend another blade over the one that is working for you.... but Gillette Silver Blues do very nicely for me.

I'd say I have a normal skin type, with medium beard type, not about. Saving money really, just found hts site and saw that feathers were the sharpest so tried them, had some great shaves, never going back to cartridge and love the whole shaving / pampering experience, I was just wondering is sharpest always best, ie would I get a great shave with something perhaps not as sharp as a feather!?

First, Roman126, welcome to B&B! Please head over to our Hall of Fame when you get a chance and tell us all a bit more about yourself.

Blades are perhaps THE most variable part of shaving, i.e. what works well for me might be horrible for you and vice versa. For that reason, I'd say give a sampler a try, just to see if you get along better with another blade. If worse comes to worst, you can always go back to the Feathers and know that you'll get a great shave, right?

You might check into Gillette Blacks, and Personna Labs/Meds, since they are only slightly less sharp than a Feather and have the reputation of being very smooth as well.

There are links in my signature to areas of B&B of special interest to beginning shavers--perhaps you might like to have a look at them as well. If you ever have questions or run into problems, don't hesitate to post them up. We're a welcoming and friendly group here, and there's always someone around to offer advice or lend a hand.

Enjoy your time here, happy shaving, and once again, WELCOME!!
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