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Black tea and health

Ive recently found that I had a slight case of acidosis. Manefesting in really sore knees, and im only 28! Diet being the main cause of this, I was stooped because I eat well. Come to find out the 8 or so cups of unsweetened black tea that I had been drinking everyday is acidic to the body. I have cut back drastically on my tea intake, and now when I drink tea its green or white. Within 3-4 days my knees felt fine and the pain hasnt been back in 6 mos. Ive also been drinking kukicha, because it is suppose to be very alkalizing to the body, so Ive been drinking this as well, anybody know if yerba mate or any other teas are alkalizing? Anybody else ever had a similar experience?
No, and dont take offense to this. The only time I will consult an M.D. is if I REALLY need one. I think they have become a tool for the pharmaceutical corporations. I am a nutrition major and consulted my teacher. After personally doing p.h. tests on myself, I found out that my blood and saliva were slightly too acidic, which can lead to a number of health problems including painful joints. BTW, did you know that doctors are not required to take any nutrition classes? I think this is an atrocity. They are just supposed to know how to fix symptoms and not problems, another sad example of the only thing that matters is money. Theres money in the longterm supressing of a problem, not curing it. I believe that and M.D. probably would have put me on an inflammatory instead of finding the root cause, when it was as simple for me as, quit drinking ice tea every day.
It was probably a combination of things, being aware of this probably had some affect on my diet, although I eat pretty healthy. I dont eat too much grains, and the grains I do eat tend to be whole grains. I do eat quinoa and rice pretty often too. And I was consuming way too much caffienne, I definitely had caffienne withdrawals the first week or so... but better know.
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