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Black (razor) Pics

Between a couple of ebay large lots of razors and what relatives have been giving me, I've been busy cleaning up razors. Pictured from left to right are: Gem Damaskeene with a Star handle, Long Handled Super Adjustable, Schick Krona, Short Handled Super Adjustable, Black Handled Super Speed. They cleaned up nice, and I thought the collection of black handles was photo worthy. What do you guys think is the best shaver of the bunch?

They look really nice. You will have many great shaves from them.
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They all look great...I've always loved the way my Black Beauty looks....the Kronas are a looker too, I have both the black and metal TTO knobs plus an Eversharp Krona..but that's more greyish than black.
So far, I've tried the Krona, the Damaskeene and the Short Handle Adjustable. I think I like the Krona the best. I wonder why Kronas do not get more love. The Damaskeene might be first, except the CVS blades I have only seem to last one shave.
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