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Black handle superspeed

I was thinking of getting one, But i nead to know what I'm dealing with. I nead it to be more aggressive than a flair tip - otherwise there's no point
I read it has more blade gap but is lighter than the flair, So is it more aggressive???
I tried one and found it a very mild shaver, but quite good nonetheless. Different than a flare tip? Not much.

Why the need for a more aggressive razor? Masochism? RAD?
I tried one and found it a very mild shaver, but quite good nonetheless. Different than a flare tip? Not much.

Why the need for a more aggressive razor? Masochism? RAD?


I'd look for an adjustable before picking up a super speed, I couldn't tell too much difference between it and a flare tip,
Go Red Tip or Slim or Super Adjustable.
Latter two will let you control "aggression"
IMO aggression is overrated.
A black handle super speed is a flare tip.


. . . and if I recall correctly, there are varying degrees of blade gap exposure between different super speeds over the years. I have a '73 Black-handle and I believe is has a greater blade gap exposure than many super speeds. I can't recall where I read the measurements, though they were on B&B somewhere.

Maybe we'd do well to keep a chart of the varying blade gap exposures of super speeds over the years. Or maybe that would be absurd. Probably both.
I recently picked up a Black handle and I find it very mild. I would go for a Fatboy and find a setting and blade combination that works for you...
True, but it's still a good razor and makes a nice addition to the fleet. And you need a red tip. The black handle has a lower dome, therefore less curvature of the blade than the early flare tips and 40s style SS. Different shave.

Good point! I had completely forgotten about the revision to the head. Now I need to try a later SS.

. . . and if I recall correctly, there are varying degrees of blade gap exposure between different super speeds over the years. I have a '73 Black-handle and I believe is has a greater blade gap exposure than many super speeds. I can't recall where I read the measurements, though they were on B&B somewhere.

Maybe we'd do well to keep a chart of the varying blade gap exposures of super speeds over the years. Or maybe that would be absurd. Probably both.
Think this might be the list you're referring to http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Double-Edged_Safety_Razors_Ranked_by_Blade_Gap.
On my 1970 black handle SS I found it less aggressive than my 34c, enough so I wasn't overly fond of it. Disappointed me since it's a birth year razor. After some reading and research as to how to make it more usable for me, I put 2 shims in it, now it feels a lot better for results than it did.
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