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BK8 to Rudy re-knot

I had this BK8 handle that I had been contemplating a knot for (this post: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...K8-handle-what-knot-shape-you-like?highlight= ) And finally decided to have Rudy put in a Shavemac knot for me. I went with a 2-band D01 25mm (26mm exiting the handle) set at 50mm.

I had a rough few weeks of business travel followed by a week out of town visiting relatives, what a nice surprise to find this in my mail box when I returned.

This works great with soaps and creams, but it absolutely destroys soaps. Have used a few times and am loving it.

Thank you Rudy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, that turned out great, looks real nice, I really enjoy my D01 knot, so scrubby on the face, soft tips when wet.
Nice brush and I like how he marks the brush as his reknot. Very classy touch.

He may have done it anyway, but I purposely asked for this. I wanted to be reminded every time I used it that it was done by Rudy.
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