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Bizarro shaving

I'm reading a lot of posts about ppl not being able to go ATG comfortably
now, for me, my skin always felt odd when I shaved WTG, especially on the neck; shaving WTG always irritated my neck and I never got a decent shave that way
so after a lot of trial and error, I told the WTG and XTG to **** off and only started to go ATG, interesting enough, this worked miracles for my skin and closeness of the shaves

long story short,
I don't use any "prep", I just twirl my brush in my soap, put some water on my face, face-lather and go ATG on the first pass
I usually use the combo of merkur HD + red personna blade, no pulling, no irritation and BBS shaves
that's how I do it
what I'm saying is, you gotta figure out for yourself what works and what doesn't
technique, knowing your face and razors is all key and feel free to experiment

I used to shave with straight razors, it was an easy transition to go from straights to a DE, you really understand blade angles and technique and the value of good lather and how to combine these elements to get some fine *** shaves

just felt like sharing
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So, what I'm saying is, you gotta figure out for yourself what works and what doesn't
technique, knowing your face and razors is all key and feel free to experiment

I used to shave with straight razors, it was an easy transition to go from straights to a DE, you really understand blade angles and technique and the value of good lather and how to combine these elements to get some fine *** shaves

just felt like sharing

+1 :thumbup:
Very interesting. I've noticed that I can do 3-4 WTG / XTG passes and still have a face full of stubble. When I used to shave with a cartridge, only ATG ever worked for me. Even as a newbie DE shaver, I haven't had a lot of trouble with ATG. However, I've been doing WTG and XTG passes first. Perhaps I should try following your example to see if ATG on the first pass works better for me. That might help me cut down on the total number of passes required to look presentable.

what I'm saying is, you gotta figure out for yourself what works and what doesn't
technique, knowing your face and razors is all key and feel free to experiment

Very true. Too often we change our routine too quickly.
We don't get to know our razors well enough.

All in all, you have to have fun with it.
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