What is the biggest badger brush you have ever seen? Thanks.
What is the biggest badger brush you have ever seen? Thanks.
Personally, the Kent BK12
I cannot imagine that badger. Maybe it is a boar brush? (or photoshop..)
Personally, the Kent BK12
No it's legit. Silvertip.
Actually, there is no record of it in the actual Guinness site, so I'm going to call urban legend status.
They list hair length at 13cm. That doesn't seem impossible to me for either of the reasons you give. If you look hard enough I'd bet there are paintbrushes out there with 5" of badger hair that stands straight up.Look at the length of the longest hair there on that brush.
Kent BLK12 is the biggest brush I've ever seen in real life. Now if you want something that is knowningly bigger wait for drP to post some of his monstrosities...
Those are dwarfs compared to these giants...:
Giant plexi Plisson on the most right:
PL 14 in the middlë:
Vulfix 38:
Giant plexi again:
PL14 Manchurian:
Plisson #24: