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Bigelow bay rum still exists

Thanks for the tip! I would have guessed it was discontinued because it's not in the Bath & Body Works brick and mortar stores like the other Bigelow products. As a bay rum fan, I've got to try this.

(An aside: Stay away from the Mentha body wash shown on the linked page. I thought it would be a refreshing product for these HOT summer days, but apparently it's really high in essential oil. When the lather gets down to your more sensitive personal parts, well ... the "tingling" mentioned on the bottle is an understatement. This stuff could take fatherhood out of your future.)
I don't really understand C.O. Bigelow. They seem to add and drop products willy nilly, even extremely popular products like Dr. Galen's Skin Tonic. I've been hoping that they'd bring back the 1701 aftershave balm some day. It was just as good as the Bay Rum, but with a totally neutral scent.
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