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Big Friedr Ern

Bought this today. There is something about the way this thing is balanced given the thickness of the tang coupled with the hollowing/blade profile which make it feel even larger than it already is. Top and bottom jimps. Only issues I can really note are someone scratched "100k" into the corner of one of the scales from some inexplicable reason and there is a very faint ding in the middle of the toe where I suspect it caught a tap ages ago. Big blade! Stoked for once in my life I didn't have to mine a straight or de razor out of decades of corrosion, pretty much as it came.

For the longest time, my ERN honed by a fellow B&Ber on a Coti was my best shaver...I might touch it up this weekend and give it a go in honor of this post! Concur with Alpster....you gotta hone that baby up and giver her a go!
It is sent out right now to be sorted. It needs the slightest correction to get the edge true. I think whoever owned this went from a meaty blade to this very thin, hollowed out one and didn't completely account for flex whilst honing. IDK if the photos even pick it up. Very very pretty blade in person.
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