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Best Shave Yet, still some questions

OK, been reading posts here, trying different things, and have just had my absolute best shave yet.

I really appreciate this forum, and this is my first post, although I have been reading and DE shaving since July 09.

Just FYI, here is how I got the best shave to date -- totally baby butt smooth:

- Merkur HD Razor
- Feather blades
- Apply about two drops of Shave Secret/water to face for a base
- Lather (not really uber lather but my own method)
-- 5 or 6 drops of Glycerin in bowl
-- prime brush with Tabac soap
-- Proraso cream in bowl and whip to lather
- shave with grain, against, then across, touch up on neck
- warm rinse
- cold rinse
- alum
- cold rinse
- finish up with few drops of glycerin mixed with Stephan Island Lime

Man do I feel great!

Now I do have a few questions --

1. Do any of you have trouble spots on both sides of the throat, almost midway but closer to the neckline than the chin? That is exceedingly hard for me to get smooth - the only trouble spot I have. I find that if I do an extra pass diagonally from cheek toward center throat it helps, but can still cut and bleed some. Any suggestions? This is my only trouble spot to this point.

2. Does a razor (not the blade) actually make that much of a difference? I have the Merkur HD (my daily) and the Merkur HD Slant. After I used the slant one time it looked like I lost a fight with a mad butcher! Should I try other brands of razors? Suggestions?

3. I notice that many, many people say that they get 5 or 7 shaves out of a blade. The most I have gotten really without starting to drag and burn is two. Now I do make at least three passes each shave, and then some touch up. My beard is not overly rough, but has many, many fine, soft hairs. Could this be dulling the blade earlier? Any suggestions are appreciated.

What a great forum!

Thanks in advance.

i am sort of a noob as well, but i do have some insight on your second question. from what i have experienced and heard, the merkur slant seems to be one of the most aggresive razors out there. i have not personally used it, but many people say it gets a closer shave than any other razor, but will also (as you found out the hard way) cut you up nicely if you don't have your technique down pat. i own an HD and a superspeed and i'll tell you, i see a definite difference in the way they shave. the superspeed is MUCH more mild than the HD. so to answer your question, YES! the razor does make a difference. i wouldn't use that slant again until your confident you have very good technique. (especially if your sing feathers, ouch).
Razors do shave differently. Merkurs are considered more aggressive than vintage Gillettes. I've certainly found this to be the case.

A slant needs more care and better technique, as it imparts both a slicing and cutting motion.

3-4 shaves per blade for me. Regardless of brand. I find Feathers very unforgiving in any razor.
I have the same problem with my neck near the jaw line on both sides trying to get it as smooth as the rest of my shave.

I think everyone has one or more spots that are difficult to shave, and that you'll just have to figure the best way to tackle those spots. Experience and working on your technique usually solve that.

I do think that you have to find just the right razor that will be your go to, and the only real way to do that is to try any razor that catches your eye. I tried over a dozen before I settled on the Merkur 1904 as my go to. You may have several that you like and use in a rotation. If you get some that you just don't care for there is always B/S/T.

As for blades, again you'll have to find whats best for you through trial and error. Most members seem to go between 3 and 7 shaves per blade, again for blades you'll have to find out for yourself. I can any blade after 4 shaves, why push things?

Find your own best routine, gear, and technique, and let your face tell you what works the best. Good luck. :thumbup1:
Now I do have a few questions --

1. Do any of you have trouble spots on both sides of the throat, almost midway but closer to the neckline than the chin? That is exceedingly hard for me to get smooth - the only trouble spot I have. I find that if I do an extra pass diagonally from cheek toward center throat it helps, but can still cut and bleed some. Any suggestions? This is my only trouble spot to this point.

Try stretching the skin to get it flatter before running the razor over it.

3. I notice that many, many people say that they get 5 or 7 shaves out of a blade. The most I have gotten really without starting to drag and burn is two. Now I do make at least three passes each shave, and then some touch up. My beard is not overly rough, but has many, many fine, soft hairs. Could this be dulling the blade earlier? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Try some different kinds of blades. A recent survey showed that most people get 3 or 4 shaves per blade. West Coast Shaving sells blade samplers.

Good luck!
That same spot you are describing seems the be the one spot I have to work on the most, it requires a tricky angle, and never seems to get quite smooth, I call it quits after 2 passes and don't think the razorburn from trying to get that little spot BBS is worth it.

The razor can make a HUGE difference. The HD is kind of in the middle, the Slant with the same blade is more aggressive. You need to have your form down pat with the slant, but it's capable of awesome shaves. Best bet might be an ajustable razor, gives you a full range depending on the mood.

I get 4-5 out of a Derby, that's with 2x passes. With feathers I seemed to get about the same, maybe a bit less.

If you are getting burning after 2 shaves there might be other causes besides the blade, likely you're pushing down or changing the head angle.
Welcome to the boards!

That same spot you are describing seems the be the one spot I have to work on the most, it requires a tricky angle, and never seems to get quite smooth, I call it quits after 2 passes and don't think the razorburn from trying to get that little spot BBS is worth it.

The razor can make a HUGE difference. The HD is kind of in the middle, the Slant with the same blade is more aggressive. You need to have your form down pat with the slant, but it's capable of awesome shaves. Best bet might be an ajustable razor, gives you a full range depending on the mood.

I get 4-5 out of a Derby, that's with 2x passes. With feathers I seemed to get about the same, maybe a bit less.

If you are getting burning after 2 shaves there might be other causes besides the blade, likely you're pushing down or changing the head angle.

There's not much to add. I get about 5 shaves out of my favorite blades. My current best blade in all my razors (including the Slant) is the Personna's in the red package that are not the "IP" variety. I also really like Derby, Blue Bird, and Astra platinum.

Your best bet is to try different blades. Some blades will work with some razors and not with others. The Slant tends to require the sharper varieties; Feather's seem to be the most widely used in the Slant.
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