I am in my 30s but still break out if I use certain things on my face. Right now I am using Baxter of California Oil Free Moisturizer. So far this is the best I've used but I want to try something different. I have tried Clinique M lotion (too thick), Origins Save the Males (good but don't like how it poors out of bottle), Cetaphil (too thick and won't absorb, and Jack Black (don't know which one but was too thick.
I just need something that is light weight, quick absorbing, oil free, non comeogenic, and won't clog my pores or cause break outs. I also do not want to pay over $20 for 1.7 ounce bottles. Baxter meets all my requirements. I like that it is less than $20 and is about 4 ounces.
I am a firm believer that it is possible to find something that meets these requirements and can be purchased at locally at Walmart, Target, etc.
I was thinking of Nivea Sensitive lotion, sensitive Neutrogena lotion, or the regular Neutrogena oil free moisturizer. All less then $10.
I just need something that is light weight, quick absorbing, oil free, non comeogenic, and won't clog my pores or cause break outs. I also do not want to pay over $20 for 1.7 ounce bottles. Baxter meets all my requirements. I like that it is less than $20 and is about 4 ounces.
I am a firm believer that it is possible to find something that meets these requirements and can be purchased at locally at Walmart, Target, etc.
I was thinking of Nivea Sensitive lotion, sensitive Neutrogena lotion, or the regular Neutrogena oil free moisturizer. All less then $10.