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Best method for getting rid of onion smell?

I cut some onions up for a salad last night, and my hands still smell like it a day later, no matter how many times I've washed my hands. Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of the oniony smell?
I can confirm the salt method works as well. About a tablespoon of salt and a tad of warm water rubbed around vigorously for about 30 seconds. It leaves your hands a bit softer too.
Absolutely nothing works for me. Any time I touch onions or garlic I have to put up with hands that smell for as long as two weeks. Stainless steel, lemon juice, anything else already mentioned, nada. It really stinks, literally and figuratively.
Stainless steel works best for me. I lather up and while my hands are soapy I rub them on stainless steel then rinse, repeat if needed.
Same as others have mentioned.... stainless steel here. I just rub my palms on the bottom of my sink basin for ~30 seconds with warm to hot water running, and the smell is gone. Onions, garlic, and shallots... the smell is gone immediately after for me.
Slice a lemon and rub on your hands-conversely, slice a lemon, make a drink w/ it and then rub on your hands. Onion power destroyed! :spockflam

Make a scrub out of lemon juice and kosher salt. Onions are no match. It'll get the fish smell out of your hands after a day out on the salt.
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