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Best Butterfly Razor?

Hey guys, first time posting on this forum, though I've been using it as a resource for some time. That said..

I have been talking to my father about the benefits of using a DE blade. He is no stranger to them, and grew up using them, but at some point abandoned the DE for a cartridge. I guess that what I said peaked his interest enough, so my mom decided to get him one. The problem there was that she didn't know what she was looking for, and ended up getting a cheapo, light weight Chinese made piece of junk. Needless to say, he doesn't like it.

His birthday is coming up, and he has been nostalgic about the kind of razor he used to have, which he described to me, and I have determined is a butterfly style razor. So I'm looking around online, and finding several different options (Some of which outside the price range, I'm not looking for a platinum handle or anything)
but I would like some input as to anyone who owns one. What do you have? Why do you like it? Suggestions? Comments? All feedback is welcome

Also, what is the consensus on this one? http://www.royalshave.com/p/401-064-00/parker_brass_butterfly_gunmetal_safety.html

The price tag isn't bad. Anyone own it? I'd like to order him a decent one.

Thanks for the feedback.
It's for your Dad. Don't skimp. I like the English Rockets HD, Aristocrat Jr., Flair Tip, or to really get him hooked a #66 or #16 which are both Rhodium plated. Parker is okay but the Gillette Rockets are better. He would appreciate them, get right back into the DE routine and be very thankful. And you both have something nice in common.
I also know that he wants something new...not previously used, we spoke at length about it, and i was unable to sell him on picking up a pre owned razor no matter what the condition. Do they still make rockets? Any links to websites you recommend?
the Parkers are all made in India, IIRC. As for Gillette, they have not made a butterfly razor for several decades now.

the only new TTO razors are Merkur.

You might find a NIB gillette TTO on ebay but expect to pay not less than $500 for it. ask him if he would accept a completely reconditioned Gilltette? You can buy a nice used one and send it in for replating. Otherwise, get a parker or Merkur
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It's for your Dad. Don't skimp. I like the English Rockets HD, Aristocrat Jr., Flair Tip, or to really get him hooked a #66 or #16 which are both Rhodium plated. Parker is okay but the Gillette Rockets are better. He would appreciate them, get right back into the DE routine and be very thankful. And you both have something nice in common.
+1 !! Vintage will rock him! and Welcome to B&B!!
Plenty of old Gillettes here on the BST and on Ebay. The super speed tto razors can be had for a reasonable price if you bid carefully.
If you want a really nice TTO, but have an aversion to a used one then I'd look for a rechromed/reconditioned one. The vintage ones are just so much better made than the current ones I think. I got a reconditioned Gillette Tech from ebay (that actually came from ATT) that looks great. There are some nice vintage ones at Above the Tie, ebay, Etsy, et al if you can't find something here.
You may be able to find a Gillette black handle super speed, new, sealed in the original packaging. But they are not cheap.
Hey guys, first time posting on this forum, though I've been using it as a resource for some time. That said..

I have been talking to my father about the benefits of using a DE blade. He is no stranger to them, and grew up using them, but at some point abandoned the DE for a cartridge. I guess that what I said peaked his interest enough, so my mom decided to get him one. The problem there was that she didn't know what she was looking for, and ended up getting a cheapo, light weight Chinese made piece of junk. Needless to say, he doesn't like it.

His birthday is coming up, and he has been nostalgic about the kind of razor he used to have, which he described to me, and I have determined is a butterfly style razor. So I'm looking around online, and finding several different options (Some of which outside the price range, I'm not looking for a platinum handle or anything)
but I would like some input as to anyone who owns one. What do you have? Why do you like it? Suggestions? Comments? All feedback is welcome

Also, what is the consensus on this one? http://www.royalshave.com/p/401-064-00/parker_brass_butterfly_gunmetal_safety.html

The price tag isn't bad. Anyone own it? I'd like to order him a decent one.

Thanks for the feedback.

That's a thoughtful gift. You could have a look at this one. Seems to have good reviews and a fair price tag.

Thanks for all the advice guys.I've been trying to research somebof this stuff...boy, is it s lot of information! Anyone have experience with the RazoRock? seems that its got good quality. How is the shave?
Thanks for all the advice guys.I've been trying to research somebof this stuff...boy, is it s lot of information! Anyone have experience with the RazoRock? seems that its got good quality. How is the shave?

I have not used the Razorock TTO. I swear by their shaving soaps and balms, but I now have more razors than I can justify owning so I've never purchased that razor. I was on the Italian Barber website shopping for soaps when I saw that razor. I didn't really think of it again until seeing your post.
Thanks for all the advice guys.I've been trying to research somebof this stuff...boy, is it s lot of information! Anyone have experience with the RazoRock? seems that its got good quality. How is the shave?

I have the Razorock TTO. I like it a lot. Not the most amazing quality in the world, but definitely still great value for the price. Nice long handle, good weight. It's relatively aggressive...for me, paired with a Perssona Red gives me a really great shave.
Thanks for all the advice guys.I've been trying to research somebof this stuff...boy, is it s lot of information! Anyone have experience with the RazoRock? seems that its got good quality. How is the shave?


Let me start out by saying, I'm brand new to wet shaving. The DE razor in my kit (and currently the only razor I own) is a RazoRock. I have the Mirrored Pole 3pc (not the TTO). Again, this is the only razor I own, but I do find it very comfortable for me. I have fairly large hands and the razor is easy to hold. The handle has a nice texture/design to it, keeping grip even when wet or soapy. Its chrome is beautiful. I inspected mine upon delivery and could not find any flaws or defects to the build quality or the finish. Another thing that I looked at (thanks to B&B) was the even-ness of the blade once assembled into the razor. It is even on both sides and I think that contributes to a good shave. For me, the shave was smooth and I didn't feel like it was too aggressive at all. I guess this may indeed vary for different people. The razor shipped with a pack of Lord Platinum blades and its the only blades I've used.

All in all, I would say for the price, the RazoRock razor is very attractive and does produce a good shave...or at least for me. The way I see it, as an "entry-level" razor, it's great. I don't have the constant nag of having purchased a $40 - $60 razor, not knowing if we'd still be together in a year. That being said, in a couple of months, once my technique is good and I find the right blade, soap, pre/post shave products, I can either retire the RR razor to my travel kit (as I travel frequently for work) or keep it in my daily rotation, along side an earned purchase of the EJ89 Barley (she will be mine...oh yes, she will be mine). I have nothing bad to say about my RR razor.

Good luck!
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