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Berkeley "tissue thin" blades

I tried shaving with one of these today, and found that the newer blades really are quite a bit sharper. Loots of pulling/tugging and I didn't bother to work hard at BBS (or even a really DFS) shave on the throat. Cheeks are clear though. The pack was labeled "3 blades" and contained 4 blades, so I figured it would still be a complete box... ;)

I wonder when these blades may have been made, assuming some time in the 50's or 60's though. Haven't done much research on them yet.

Pics of the blades:
Haven't tried the "tissue thin" Berkeleys but I have tried the regular in the red pack. They were not good. I have tried many kinds of carbon steel blades and some of them, Pal and Star come to mind, are quite usable if you adjust your technique and expectations. Berkeleys were not face-friendly at all.
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