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beautiful brushes to satisfy my SBAD

Hi gents, recently just purchased 4 brushes, now have 6, and 2 on the way, primarily for their uniqueness and looks, open to high quality boar, but only best and silvertip badger hairs, and all must be reasonably currently available to buy,

any suggestions, again more on style and uniqueness overall, not too fussed with the (albeit great quality) simpson brushes.


I have this in the horn (rooney style 1, size 1 silvertip)


I have this in the black (rooney style 3, size 2 silvertip)


Just arrived yesterday

As well as semogue 2000, 1305 (the only boars I have) and a semogue 730HD on order.

Very interested in the mixed acrylic/perspex shavemac retro line, also perhaps a pewter/metal handled one as well to round out the collection.
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I don't have one (but am experiencing lust in my heart), but suggest you take a look at the Rooney Heritage Beehive in Super. Eelco has posted pics of his in the SOTD (maybe even today). Beautiful brush, and the Heritages perform amazingly.
Well, of course as being a German I recommend looking into German made brushes (Mühle, Shavemac, Thäter). I own a Shavemac no. 311 and the quality of its horn is :drool:

If you're looking for usability the Kent BK4 is also highly praised. It's a lather-machine not even my Shavemac can compete with it.

(mid pre-bloom to bloom)
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You won't be dissapointed with any brush from the Rooney Heritage Super range.. as long as you like densely filled, soft tipped brushes.
Hard to go wrong with what you have....but you do need a tiny brush in the lineup...Wee Scot is my selection.
got a super badger edwin jagger 24mm grey handle, and a perspex chrom muhle pinsel silvertip as well, very nice ones . . .
Forget Mühle, buy a Thäter, Shavemac D01 or Simpsons Ch2 super.
The Emillion was not mine , for me it was too dense.
Excellent choice in both the badger and the boar brushes, I like the look of the Shavemac Retro 50`s brushes as well, Kent, Rooney, Simpson, Omega, Muhle & many other small scale bespoke brush makers who`s work you see on here, you can`t go wrong. Shavemac are particularly good value for the dollar, I`m sure you`ll enjoy the ones you`ve already purchased. Lather Up! Stephen.
I have to know how the 730HD Semogue is working for you. And since you have the Rooney 1/1, how does it compare? Sorry if I missed it, but do you face lather? Soaps?
I face lather , 80% soaps, proraso, trumpers & taylors creams, the rooney 1/1 IMO is an outstanding brush no matter what, I find the semogue 730HD, to be a good brush, my favourite is my bryce ironwood, amazing hair on that one.
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