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Beard growth and straights

Is following the direction of beard growth just as important with straights as it is with DE's?Generally speaking I've got to pull all of these weird maneuvers when shaving with a DE to avoid ingrown hairs, but in all of the vids of people shaving with straights they seem to not pay much attention to the direction of growth. The thought of doing all that stuff with a straight intimidates me :tongue_sm


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The direction change something, yes.

I try to follow the grain where I can but can't do it like I should or like my DE everywhere.

I get a shave as close as the DE if not better...
I don't know much about shaving with a DE, but most guys will try to shave WTG, then XTG, then ATG; or at least in that order (IE could be W/A or W/X). If you are just starting with a straight, I'd say just go WTG until you can get a close and comfortable shave without irritation, then start going XTG, wait till you can get close and comfy, then add in ATG. I'd suggest start with just sideburns/cheeks, then add in chin, neck, and upper lip when you are ready.

Also, if it's easier to just shave "down" instead of WTG, do that. An easier stroke is easier to learn, even if it's XTG in some spots.

That's all just IMO.
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