i use both a feather straight and de. i find getting a bbs is hard on my skin. it leaves bumps,oil and breakouts. plus it is never really a babies bottom. it is my face. i mean if i press my hand and rub hard against the grain after a few hours i can feel it anyways. is this the same for most of you or does my technique need work?
also i cut myself every time in the same exact place. i really don't think it is how i shave but i could be wrong. my skin is just very sensitive and i have a steel wool beard. i get the cut even with one pass wtg. just a red nick,no blood. do you think this warrants seeing a dermatologist or something? i have wet shaved for longer than i care to say. i am disappointed in myself from what i read here but perhaps it is just my skin.
also i cut myself every time in the same exact place. i really don't think it is how i shave but i could be wrong. my skin is just very sensitive and i have a steel wool beard. i get the cut even with one pass wtg. just a red nick,no blood. do you think this warrants seeing a dermatologist or something? i have wet shaved for longer than i care to say. i am disappointed in myself from what i read here but perhaps it is just my skin.