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Bay Rum Soap burning?

Has anyone had experience with a Bay Rum soap causing a burning sensation on the skin? I have Kells Super Aloe Bay Rum soap and after my prep when I left it on my skin for over a minute it felt like my skin was burning. I was able to shave alright so it didn't really impact how I was shaving but it was a very unusual sensation that was generally uncomfortable. Is burning a side effect of Bay Rum? I have other Kell's Super Aloe soaps which do not seem to cause this sensation.
I buy a local made soap, the lady makes several fragrances. I love her Bay Rum, I use it to shower and wash my hair. Tried shaving with it, but it didn't agree with my face. The first pass was ok, but after that it burnt. And seemed to get worse with each use. I stopped using it, went to a RazorRock XXX for a while to let my face heal. Now I use Mikes and Ogallala's bay rum and they work fine. I would stop using it, try another brand.
Dang and Bay Rum is such a fine scent. I use Mike's Natural and Ogallala Bay rum soaps. Too much of the bay oil can irritate the skin. I hope you find one that works for you.
QED's Bay Rum (no longer made) is the only Bay Rum soap that irritates my face. Interestingly, Captain's Choice AS splash also irritates my face. I suspect that clove oil is the culprit, and that it's contained in both products. It's a shame b/c both of them smell great!
Col. Conks Bay Rum doesn't like me at all. I've a burning and redness since I started using it. I thought maybe it was me (bad blade handling) but on a whim I picked up some VDH and just tried it, no burning, no redness so I'm thinking it's the soap. I got the VDH package (brush bowl and soap) for $7 at wally world BTW
I had the same problem with Palmolive cream. It doesn't improve with time. It's hard to pinpoint the culprit sometimes but in my case it was gluten, another common one is scent.
Can anybody say Arko ;-)
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