Hi everyone,
Some of you who hang around the chat room will have seen some of these but not all of them!
Recently it was a friend of mine's birthday and I had been wanting to do a photo shoot with her for years. She's not a model but liked my work and was very excited about it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do as well - a pin-up style shoot in my favourite barbers: 'The Waldorf' !
I love the Waldorf... it's where I did my basic barbering training and, as well as being the oldest barbers in Dublin, it's also a barbering museum! So in the photos take a look around the backgrounds too for some interesting authentic vintage items (also you can see more images of their things on the Waldorf's Facebook page here: The Waldorf )
Anyway I though I would share some of the images with you guys as I'd love to get some feedback. I've numbered the images so that you don't have to repost the image into your comments as otherwise the thread will become very picture-heavy.
Also I must emphasize that, while I would hope the wonderful gentlemanly conduct of the forum won't slip, you can critique my photography and editing choices as much as you like but I won't have a bad word said about the model - though really I don't think that'll be a problem as I think she's beautiful!
Okay so onto the photos...
Some of you who hang around the chat room will have seen some of these but not all of them!
Recently it was a friend of mine's birthday and I had been wanting to do a photo shoot with her for years. She's not a model but liked my work and was very excited about it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do as well - a pin-up style shoot in my favourite barbers: 'The Waldorf' !
I love the Waldorf... it's where I did my basic barbering training and, as well as being the oldest barbers in Dublin, it's also a barbering museum! So in the photos take a look around the backgrounds too for some interesting authentic vintage items (also you can see more images of their things on the Waldorf's Facebook page here: The Waldorf )
Anyway I though I would share some of the images with you guys as I'd love to get some feedback. I've numbered the images so that you don't have to repost the image into your comments as otherwise the thread will become very picture-heavy.
Also I must emphasize that, while I would hope the wonderful gentlemanly conduct of the forum won't slip, you can critique my photography and editing choices as much as you like but I won't have a bad word said about the model - though really I don't think that'll be a problem as I think she's beautiful!
Okay so onto the photos...