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Barber Shave

I'm sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but thought I would try to get a perspective from people who appreciate a decent shave. I recently went to the barber shop and asked to get a shave done along with my haircut. I've heard good things from other reviewers on the place and I've very much like my barber when it comes to my haircut. When the shave was going on I was surprised that he started going XTG off the bat without going WTG to start. I have pretty sensitive skin and although the shave was totally BBS, the next day I had a good amount of razor burn. Does anyone else have experiences with this? I don't know if my skin just needs to get used to a XTG cut or if I need to specify that it has to be WTG.

I've never had a barber go XTG (except for touchups after the WTG pass). I have no idea what the standard is but the few i have gone to have only gone WTG and left me with a BBS without anything else. I would just let them know to just go WTG as a barber should be good enough to have a BBS with a WTG and some light touch-ups. Its my 2cents from my experiences, i hope the rest get better.
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