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Barbasol Musk Aftershave.. discontinued?

It appears that on the Barbasol website, the Pacific Rush has finally been added, but the Musk is gone. I know there are a few guys here that liked the stuff.. so I guess the point is, if you're a fan you might want to scan the Dollar Generals in your area for any remaining stock. Even though I have Aqua Velva Musk I might just pick up the Barbasol version too...

(of course, it could very well be the case that they have back stock for years..)
I'm heading out in a few minutes. I'll stop by and look if they have any here. I personally do not like Musks, but........
I've never seen the musk and I've been in just about every Dollar General in town.

I did see two bottles of the musk in an independent beauty supply store over the weekend but I'm not paying $3.99 a bottle.
i like the barbasol musk.it is not as sweet as most musks.but it does seem to have been replaced by pacific rush(which i do not like).
last week i picked up a bottle of the musk off a clearance shelf in a dollar general where i had not seen it for sale on the regular shelves.so i don't know if this was a stray from the storage room or what.i think it was $1.79 u.s.
well worth it.
i even commit the sacrilege of mixing it with AV musk.it tones down the sweetness of the AV but the AV adds a bit more skin care.
I didn't know that Barbasol had an AS!

There is Pacific Rush Splash, a heavy-mentholated AS with a oceanic scent. Nice as it fades quickly. Same scent as the Pacific Rush shaving cream. A Pacific Rush aftershave balm also exists.

There is a Brisk Splash, which is similar in scent to classic green Skin Bracer.

There is also a "Mojo" Aftershave Balm, which I have not tried.
Ok, the MOJO balm is gone from the Ultra line. Great, now I feel the urge to head to Drug Mart and see if they have any left... could be a sleeper!
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