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Barbasol Blades - Anyone Know Anything About These? Photo Attached

I purchased a number of packs of these Barbasol blades at an auction recently. There are 15 blades to a pack, I believe carbon steel. I haven't been able to locate any information about these on the web. Anyone familiar with them? I'm loading one up in my Fat Boy tomorrow to see how it shaves.

$Barbasol Blade 1.jpg
Be prepared for anything when you try those. Sometimes vintage carbon blades are pretty good, other times they can be a painful tugfest. You might want to strop it on a piece of denim before you load it up, that will remove any rust that might be on the edges.

I've never used carbon blades, vintage or otherwise, so hopefully someone who has will come along and chime in.
Checked the edge for visible rust. Looked OK, so I didn't strop. Probably mistake #1. Loaded up the Fat Boy this AM. Dialed it to 10 and commenced shaving...if that's what you would call it. It actually seemed more closely related to Charlton Heston removing his beard with the dull bowie knife in Planet of the Apes.

Loads of tugging, pulling and irritation. Very poor quality shave that required 4 passes and still didn't achieve what I get in 2 passes with a Polsilver. I've never trashed a blade after only one shave, but this one's outta here. First vintage blade experience...not good.
Checked the edge for visible rust. Looked OK, so I didn't strop. Probably mistake #1. Loaded up the Fat Boy this AM. Dialed it to 10 and commenced shaving...if that's what you would call it. It actually seemed more closely related to Charlton Heston removing his beard with the dull bowie knife in Planet of the Apes.

Loads of tugging, pulling and irritation. Very poor quality shave that required 4 passes and still didn't achieve what I get in 2 passes with a Polsilver. I've never trashed a blade after only one shave, but this one's outta here. First vintage blade experience...not good.

Unfortunately, that's the experience most people have with vintage carbon blades. A few people get them to work, but IMHO, it's not worth the effort. Treet still manufactures carbon steel blades, which is the route to go if you still want to have a carbon blade experience.

The best thing about vintage blades is the artwork on the wrappers. They make great display pieces for the shave den!
The best thing about vintage blades is the artwork on the wrappers. They make great display pieces for the shave den!

My face agrees fully. I have a feeling I'll be shaving with something very mild for the next few days while my neck recovers from the carbon steel pounding.
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