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B. Worth & Son's Sheffield.

This will be my 3rd restoration but the first in about 9 or 10 months since I hurt my thumb. I had to do occupational therapy and let it heal so I took some time off.

B. Worth & son's 5/8 hollow ground Gentleman's Favorite. I soaked this in Evaporust overnight then did light hand sanding with 400, 600 and 800 wet dry to keep the nice patina and let it show it's age. I didn't want to go for the mirror finish on this one at all. I paired it up with some plastic faux Ivory scales I found at and antique store that had no blade with them. So this was a quick job and not too taxing on my thumb.







"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I used to own one, great shaver!
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