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B&B LE Christmas set ... brush ... bowl ... razor handle ... horn

Wouldn't this look nice under your tree

You saw it in the Sue Auctions.... now's your chance

Rudy Vey has created a very limited brush and razor handle in Black Buffalo Horn. B&B has also sourced a Horn bowl to complete the set

There are a total of 22.

7 UK Boar Knots
10 Shavemacs or as any as needed up to 10
TGN Balance

UK Boar : $143
TGN 2-band Finest : $153
Shavemac D01-2band: $218


The Shavemac would be a nominal 22 mm which can be about 23.5 mm where it leaves the handle, Loft 48 D01 Two-band in a fan shape.
22 mm, Loft 48 fan shaped knot as we have used in the 2012 LE.
The Boar is a UK Boar 20 mm, Loft 52, There are only 10 available

This is the price for the brush/razor handle, with two extra set screws, and a plastic tube for the brush, a tube of Lea shave cream, and a Arko stick, and the bowl of course.

TGN and SE

Boar and SE

Boar and Tech

TGN and Tech

Shavemac, Boar, TGN


Of course the razor heads are not included !!

Please respond in this thread as to what you want, and PM Rudy or Paypal to
[email protected]
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Are the brushes labelled or numbered in any way?

I'm tentatively in for a Shavemac version and I'll PM Rudy as well with my question.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
when you pay, please the amounts listed above, these are containing the shipping costs already.
I just got my set today. Too bad it's too dark to take pictures. Maybe I'll get some up tomorrow. Rudy even threw in some extras: a small tube of Lea shave cream, a stick of Arko, and two small tubes of Lea aftershave balm.
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I just got my set today. Too bad it's too dark to take pictures. Maybe I'll get some up tomorrow. Rudy even threw in some extras: a small tube of Lea shave cream, a stick of Arko, and two small tubes of Lea aftershave balm.

ditto! Bright outdoor light would show it up nicely? In that case, I should be able to take a picture this next August.

My wife bought a gold Stahley from an estate sale (not working and she paid too much but thanks honey!), so I attached that head to the handle. Looks nice, I'll give it a try tonight.



I need a flea bath
I just got my set today. Too bad it's too dark to take pictures. Maybe I'll get some up tomorrow. Rudy even threw in some extras: a small tube of Lea shave cream, a stick of Arko, and two small tubes of Lea aftershave balm.

Got mine yesterday, use it this morning...........I freakin loved it.


Now half as wise
I got one as a Christmas gift to my son. Going to take a lot of resolve not to try it out first!
Got mine a couple of days ago, test lathered yesterday and used it today.

Amazing brush :thumbup:
It is so much more beautiful in hand than on photos.
I find it a little more prickly than my SOC's, but I anticipate it to soften up on use, and it will definitely be a rival for the "Favourite brush" position, which is held by the SOC's :biggrin1:
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