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B&B Inauguration Day 1/18/09

Dear Worthy Constituents and Members of Badger and Blade:

This is your official invitation to join the festivities as Cory and I take the offices of Czar and Vice Czar (respectively) of the Cheddar Curtain and the B&B Annex. You will no doubt recall our landslide victorious election this past Election Day.

While the Czar-elect and I are deep in preparations, we find ourselves in need of a Mod to administer to us the Oath of Office on this most auspicious occasion. (You may apply below.)

We look forward to serving you in the coming year and we vow to fulfill the very promises that won us the election. We are grateful for your support.
While not a losing candidate, I do ask that in the best tradition of "machine" politics, I be appointed to a sinecure, nothing too lofty, say Chairman of the Grouse?
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