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B&B Essential as primary brush

Who uses their B&B Essential brush as their primary brush? I have been. I've been able to get great lathers witn it.
I have seven brushes, four boar and three badgers. I use the Badger and Blade Essential boar brush more often than any of the others.

It's not a primary brush - none of mine are and all of them are used in rotation. However, it is one of my favorite brushes.
Since it's my only brush, so far, it's my primary. The only soap I have is Poraso green and I've been happy with that also. Much better than my disposables and Foamy shave cream. I do have aspirations of getting a Simpson Chubby though.
I have a red b&b and a col conk pure (vulfix I believe). I'm 10 to 1 using the b&b. Only face lather, although I think the b&b is a good Jack of all trades.
Love my Orange handle B & B essential boar brush.....I probably use it 75% of the time right now since it works up wicked lather with my soaps!
It certainly could be. The only thing you want to make sure is that it dries out properly. I found just shaking the brush wasn't quite enough, but by fanning the brush out while drying the tips, it seemed to get nearly dry after 24 hours. Or you could get a second brush and rotate the two.
It was my first brush and my only brush for a few months. I now have a Duke and they are in rotation to give extra drying time.
They are my primary brush for soaps. I use a restored ER brush with a Silvertip knot for creams. For me, nothing beats the B&B Essentials boar for soaps.
It certainly could be. The only thing you want to make sure is that it dries out properly. I found just shaking the brush wasn't quite enough, but by fanning the brush out while drying the tips, it seemed to get nearly dry after 24 hours. Or you could get a second brush and rotate the two.
Newbie Alert--you should always start with a dry brush? Does it damage te bristles if you don't?
Ideally the brush dries out between uses so it doesn't accumulate any bacteria or mold or anything. But you want to soak boar brushes before using them so the bristles don't snap. But back in the day people used one brush for shaving and they didn't have issues, so it could just be overkill.
Ideally the brush dries out between uses so it doesn't accumulate any bacteria or mold or anything. But you want to soak boar brushes before using them so the bristles don't snap. But back in the day people used one brush for shaving and they didn't have issues, so it could just be overkill.
As a pipe smoker/collector I rotate through the 200 or so pipes I have while my grandfather smoked one pipe until it died and then he replaced it. He also, to the best of my knowledge, only had one brush. Drying out does seem reasonable though!
Thanks Jarick,
The B&B Essential has out performed my EJ Best Badger that cost double the price, whether face or bowl lathering. Just an incredible overall brush. Incredible value and so diverse. YMMV.
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I got moves like Jagger
I go back and forth between my B&B essential boar and my Kent. The Kent sees more rotation usage only because it's just a wee bit faster for face lathering at 5:30am.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I have the Blue & Red editions (can't wait for the next :drool: ), and they both are my primary brushes! :thumbsup:

“Happiness is the [boar] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
My two primary brushes are Kent BK8 and SOC for bowl lathering - which I do most of the time. I find the B&B too small and too much work in the lather building department.

Face lathering with soap I find it a champ and always use it for that.
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