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B&B Book

As many of you know, I am developing a shaving book for a class this semester.

Here are some of the details I outlined in another thread:

If you have read my other thread, I am developing a small book on wet shaving for my Grahpic Communications class. It is an 8 page 5X7 book. I currently have been given the graces of Joel to start developing it into a B&B book instead of just a wet shaving book.

This is a semester long project, so please dont bombard anyone with questions about it. Since i've only started the project, I dont have many details on how it will be available. I'm hoping maybe to give them free to anyone who wants one. (while supplies last). After that, the design will be property of B&B to reproduce at their own whim.

Here are a few thumbnail sketches of layout ideas I've had. I'll keep y'all posted as I progress.

To keep people posted, and to get feedback, I decided to start a thread.

As of now, I have finished the rough draft of the manuscript and am working on roughs of the layout.

You can see the manuscript here. I am awaiting some feedback from Joel and Nick about changing some of the articles however.
Although I am working on the rough layout for the press sheets, I decided to go ahead and get some design ideas by flowing the text onto an electronic layout page.

I did them in Illustrator since I dont have InDesign on my home computer.

If anyone would like to give some feedback on which layout they like best, whether they like it at all etc I would greatly appreciate it.

As of now, I think I want to have the pics from some of Jim's photo essays rotated horizontally to go across the top of every page. This will bring unity to the book I feel.

Page 2 - A
Page 2 - B
Page 2 - C
Page 2 - D

None of these are perfect. I also did a terrible job of setting up the clipping path around the shave gear setup. I was also not able to fully format the text the way I wanted since I was using Illustrator.
I personally like version D. You have done a great job so far. I would personally avoid "reverted" Rediscovered might reflect a more positive light. Although your preference does shine through "can of goo" etc.... :wink: Keep up the great work!:biggrin:
George, I was thinking the same thing about the term "reverted" when I just read back through it. I originally had "reverted or converted" but somehow the latter got deleted.

Thanks for the input.!
A or B look good to me, and you are doing an excellent job - something that definitely should be added to the Wiki somehow.

Ed, one more thing; in reading the manuscript I came across this on page 2:

Here are a few simple steps to start creating lather.

Another key element in making lather is a shaving brush. A brush is the tool which brings the water, soap and air together.

This needs to be tightened up....you mention a few simple steps, then say Another key element. Maybe inverse the order of these two statements?
A or B look good to me, and you are doing an excellent job - something that definitely should be added to the Wiki somehow.


I tried messing around with it, but couldnt really figure out how to do anything. I'll see if I can get it working this weekend when I have more time.
Ed, I personally like "A", but I think "D" would be good with the cutout cleaned up. I really like the depth of the whole photo uncut, though! Nice job!!
A quick update on my work. I finished the design and work on the 2 color pages (p1, 2, 7, 8). They will be printed with black and a darker blue color. The end result on these pages will be something similar to the color scheme of this forum.

I am posting a PDF of the imposed file I output to film today. Dont mind that it is black and cyan. I had to do that for outputting purposes so I would only get 2 pieces of film. I'll be printing on a press sheet 2 up, which is why each page has the exact same thing head to head.

Imposed PDF

sorry for the big file size.

The cover is pretty obvious. The Introduction is p2, technique is p7, and the starter kit is p8.

Nice work :biggrin:
Can you please upload the newest version up to date? and all in one PDF file for easy reading? when each page is one page and not 4 and so on?

Looking forward for final version:)
Nice work :biggrin:
Can you please upload the newest version up to date? and all in one PDF file for easy reading? when each page is one page and not 4 and so on?

Looking forward for final version:)

The link above that says "imposed PDF" is the latest version I have. That is what I output to film.
The link above that says "imposed PDF" is the latest version I have. That is what I output to film.

Amm it seem that there is only 4 pages there (Don't know why but each one is two times on each page of PDF)
and the pages are small
Can't you make other version of the PDF will all the 8 pages with post per page?
Amm it seem that there is only 4 pages there (Don't know why but each one is two times on each page of PDF)
and the pages are small
Can't you make other version of the PDF will all the 8 pages with post per page?

The entire book isnt complete yet. I only have 4 pages complete. The way they look in that PDF is exactly how my press sheet will look. 2-up head to head. That means I get twice the amount of books per page. I know it is kind of weird to look at, but for right now that is the latest and greatest I have. Once I get back from spring break, I'll finish work on the 4 color pages (p 3, 4, 5, 6). These pages are pretty rough right now, so I'll wait to post them until I get more done.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm leaving to go to Vegas for sprig break today, so I wont be around for the next week. If there are any more questions, I'll get to them when I get back.
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