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Avon Calling

I've read some good reviews of Avon aftershave balms here, so I thought I would try some of them. Problem was, I haven't seen an Avon lady near my house in years. In fact, the last time I personally bought anything from Avon was back in sixth grade when I had a crush on Debbie Roos. I gave my mom some money and said, "When the Avon lady comes, buy some perfume for me."

Since she obviously didn't know about my crush on Debbie, she thought I meant cologne and she bought me a locker-shaped cologne bottle.

As a side note, it did nothing to entice Debbie to fall in love with me. Not that I can blame her. At that point in life, I had not yet learned the "less is more" rule when it came to novelty colognes.

But I digress.

I found out that one of my co-workers sells Avon and it just so happened that all of the balms were on sale for half price. I ordered all of them that I could and have slowly been putting them into rotation.

This morning I used Mesmerize for Men. It's not as strong as the other Avon balms I have tried, but that worked to my advantage because it mixed well with Curve Crush cologne. (A combo which I will be using again, based solely on my wife's reaction.)

Anyway, if the name Avon only brings up images of cowboy boot-shaped bottles of cologne, you might want to check them out again. They have some pretty good products.
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