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Auto slurry

Hi guys,

Just thought I'd throw this in there :-D My Les Lat Hybrid auto slurries on the LL side, but tbh I find that quite useful as I prefer a edge finished on slurry !! what you guys reckon !

There's nothing wrong at all with finishing on "misty" slurry (I do it all the time). The problem is that when a stone auto slurries a lot, you're ending up with more & more fresh garnets in the slurry. As the edge gets finer & sharper, the garnets start to become little "obstacles" that the edge can bump into & potentially dull the edge (slurry dulling). This (auto slurrying) goes against the general idea of coticules, which is to thin out the "garnet population" as the edge gets finer, by diluting as you go...

At least that's how it was described to me...But then you have "undilucot", which flies in the face of all that....So it depends on which school of thought you follow...
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Good points JP, I would add that although it does auto slurry I wouldn't say it does a lot. And yeah it all goes upside down when you through undilocot into the mix !
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