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Thoughts on Gokumyo 20k

I've had one for years and still use it if I'm honing a blade i'm giving to someone that I want to make sure is going have the keenest edge possible for them to learn on. People still find these to be a good finishing stone? I still prefer my natural finishers because, well they're just cool, but I was wondering if people still consider the Gokumyo worth the price for finishing stone.
Have not used my SG20 in years. They can produce a keen edge, too keen and uncomfortable for me.

There are much better natural edges. When I did use it, it was only as a finisher, 3-10 laps on an already shave ready edge.
I have had very good results with the Suehiro Gokumyo 20K. However, I might prefer the edge from the Suehiro Kauseki 10K, which is cheaper.

The reason I am not sure which I prefer is that I have to force myself to experiment with these stones, now that I have natural finishers that I strongly prefer.
Whether due to stupidity or obstinance I can't say but I rarely shave with a razor after honing it. Often when I have a particularly enjoyable shave I'll check my notes to see if know who did it (my first assumption is that it wasn't me) and/or how. I am sometimes surprised to (re)discover I did it, with a Gok 20.
Never liked the Gok 20. Borrowed 2, bought 1. Sold the one I bought, gave back the two I borrowed. Also borrowed the Gok 10, Gok 15, and Kouseki 10. The Kouseki has better feedback. The Goks proved to be finer, more capable of making things sharper, but feel like plastic blocks under the blade. I've found that there are better ways to make things sharper and more face friendly.

I did not find the performance of any of the Gok stones commensurate with the cost or the hype. If I had to rely on synthetic products to finish, I'd choose a quality abrasive compound over a Suherio anything.

I usually never finish on synths though; got over that a loooong time ago.


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I pretty much agree with the comments already made. If you want to finish on a synthetic stone, it’s a good choice. If you want the smoothest, face friendly edge, a good natural is likely a better choice. A friend of mine years ago wouldn’t use anything else, but I think that he’s migrated to Arks now.

I’m not commenting in absolutes because I learned a long time ago what I think is best may not be what someone else thinks is best. Not all beards, faces, or preferences are the same, and one could certainly do worse than a Gok 20k. I keep one because people occasionally ask for an edge from it, which is much cheaper than blind buying a quite expensive stone.
I liked it just fine when I tried it. Didn't seem any better or worse than some 10-16k stones I've had that cost anywhere from 20-70% what it cost. Honestly, with my limited use of synths, I felt once you get into that high grit range it's as much preference as anything... with no clear winner.

Definitely never felt like a Jnat finish to me the way I saw some guys claim. So that was disappointing.

I think it'd be a popular stone (for a synth) still getting recommendations today if the price were more reasonable. But if you're spending $200+, honestly, buy a Jnat or a Thuringian in my opinion. It's kind of in that realm that the 30k Pro was in... sure it's good... but so are cheaper synths... and you can get a really nice Natural for that price... so unless you actually prefer synths for some reason... why?
I have it and I like it. It’s a very capable and easy to use razor finisher. Sometimes you feel like honing and sometimes you just want a sharp edge. I don’t have anything that gets me from A to B quicker than a Shapton Glass progression followed by the Suehiro 20k. The edge is smooth and comfortable. The stone is consistent and repeatable. I doubt I could pick the difference between the 20k and a good natural finish in a blind test. It’s right up there with the Jnats and the Arks for me. It’s one of my favourite finishers.
I have not tried the Gok 20k. However, i have the shapton pro 30k and the G7 30k.
If I was only honing vintage German and Sheffield steel i would say these higher grit synthetic stones wouldn't be worth it. The steel is not able to hold a 30k edge. 10-12k followed by a honing compound gets you a slightly more durable edge that is almost as sharp and more skin friendly in my opinion.
These higher grit synthetic stones really shines if you are honing carbide rich stainless stee, like RWL-34. I can get a nice edge using jnat's, but these will not cut the carbides in this steel. So, if you want a highly refined edge, which this steel can handle without any issues, these higher grit stones are really usefull.
SG20k has basically ended my search for a finisher. I’ve tried a bunch of others, like the Shapton 0.85G7 and Dan's Black Arkansas, but none of them compare. All the other finishers are just sitting unused now. I’ve also experimented with convex hones and various techniques, but I keep coming back to the SG20k. I really enjoy the shaving edge it produces.

I did consider getting the Shapton Pro Purple 30k, but I’m not sure there’s enough of a difference between 0.5 microns and 0.49 microns to justify it. Plus, the 30k is known to be a challenging stone to master. I’m perfectly content sticking with the 20k.
Whether due to stupidity or obstinance I can't say but I rarely shave with a razor after honing it. Often when I have a particularly enjoyable shave I'll check my notes to see if know who did it (my first assumption is that it wasn't me) and/or how. I am sometimes surprised to (re)discover I did it, with a Gok 20.
I’m sure it’s quite common around here. I have three or four Genco and Geneva straight razors honed and ready to shave with, but I have continued using the same TI for the past few weeks.
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