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Austin, TX visit

So I am on a short short stay in Austin, TX and I am wondering:

Any shave shops or barbers that are a must to fit into my schedule?
Any must see sights people feel would constitute grave injustice if I don't visit?

I would love to get some supplies before I fly home.
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Considering the order I just placed on Straight Razor Designs, I should probably stay clear of that store... But I have a feeling I will be in there as soon as I can break off from my little traveling group...
on the non-shave front, definitely check out Franklin's BBQ. You'll have to get their early and there will be a line before it opens (they sell out of everything), but its worth it
You MUST go to the Town Lake trail, and pay homage to the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue! If there are any Austinites on here they can correct me if the name of the trail is wrong...its the one downtown that crosses back and forth over the Colorado river.

Food. Shady Grove for burgers and stuff. Chuy's for some awesome Tex-Mex! Enjoy your stay!
I second Chuy's for Tex Mex. La Condesa is on the list of places I want to try, if I can get my act together and get a reservation booked.

Good Life Barbershop is a nice place if you want a shave or haircut, as well.

IIRC the statue is in Auditorium Shores, and on the southern part of the lady bird lake trail.
If you like donuts, Round Rock Donuts (just north of Austin) has the best donuts that I've ever tried. They melt in your mouth.
I made it into Enchante today and got to speak with Charles. Great guy, and I am glad I spoke with him. Instead of picking up the Merkur 34c that I had planned, I walked out with the slant bar and some Feather blades, due to some expert advice. Looking forward to trying it.
i'd say hit torchy's tacos if you get the chance. for the best ribs i've ever had-the salt lick, but you'll have to travel out of austin to get to it.
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