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August 2, 2010 through August 8, 2010

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59 Fatboy / Iridium Super Stainless (day 1) / GN Finest / Palmolive SS (milled) / Thayer's / Aqua Velva Ice Blue / Nivea ASB / Bigelow Elixir Blue cologne

First shave with a Fatboy in maybe 6 months - a nice pairing with the Irdium blade.

New Forest 2201 : Le Grelot 6/8 : Martin de Candre

Gillette Superspped 1952
Shark Super Chrome
VDH Boar
Taylor of old Bond Street Eton College cream
Witch Hazel
TOBS Eton College splash

a very fine shave this morning. =):w00t:
Gillette NEW / Feather
Shavemac #177
P.160 "Tipo Morbido" Shave Soap
Witch Hazel
SCS "Sandalwood" Aftershave Splash
Nice SOTDs, gentlemen!

Thank you, Sir.

SOTD Wednesday August 4, 2010

Razor: 5/8 Geo. Wostenholm Pipe Razor Full Hollow, Round Point
Shaving Cream: Ingram
Lather Bowl: Ceramic
Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
Brush: Col Conk Barbershop Badger
ASB: Nivea Replenishing
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue

The Ingram Shave Cream was great! Lots of cushion and glide similar to the Erasmic. The scent of the Ingrams was very pleasant. It has a clean Linen scent and reminds me of clean laundry. There must be a little menthol in there as well. It felt nice and cool very refreshing on a 96F day! It didn't hold it's lather as well as the Erasmic but it would rejuvenate immediately with a few drops of water and a stir with the brush. Excellent shave cream! :thumbup1:

I then have something to look forward to, I have an Ingram cream incoming. Too bad I didn't took the Erasmic as well, but I deliberately went by it, because I have tried the shave stick and it is awful, shouldn't be allowed to be called a shave stick.

Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Smooth Conditioning Shaving Creme
Razor: 5/8" Thiers-Issard Eagle Brand, Spanish Point
Brush: 23mm Savemac Silvertip
Überlather: AOS Lavender shave creme + Mama Bear Masculine Musk soap + glycerin
Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
Post-Shave: Trumper's Limes Skin Food
Facial Moisturizer: NancyBoy Replenishing Facial Moisturizer
Cologne: Penhaligon Blenheim Bouquet
Result: Super pre-shave, super smooth shave, awesome feeling. :biggrin1:

Enjoy your Wednesday gentlemen :001_smile.


Very, very nice and beautiful :thumbup1: :thumbup:

New Forest 2201 : Le Grelot 6/8 : Martin de Candre


And another stunning photo :w00t:
Wednesday Evening:

Razor: Black Handle Superspeed
Blade: Shark Super Stainless (1)
Cream: Mennen
Brush: Omega Boar pro n48
A/S: Mont St Michel Lavender
ASB: Gaia Organic

Simpson Tulip 3
Penhaligon's English Fern soap
EJ Chatsworth with Treet Dura Sharp
Booster Mosswood AS; Gentlemen's Refinery AS Balm
Penhaligon's English Fern EdT

I think these Treets are destined for the trash...they're kind of "draggy" to me. The shave is OK, but they aren't the smoothest, even in a relatively mild razor.
I then have something to look forward to, I have an Ingram cream incoming. Too bad I didn't took the Erasmic as well, but I deliberately went by it, because I have tried the shave stick and it is awful, shouldn't be allowed to be called a shave stick. QUOTE]

I think you will enjoy the Ingram SC Soren. The scent is very pleasant like clean Linen. The Erasmic SC has a scent that you will either love or hate. I love it but, I can see it could be a bit too much for some. I'm not sure what the shave stick smells like I have never used it. :001_cool:
Wednesday,08- 03-10.

Soap from Marseille 72% Palm oil - Rooney 1/1 Best badger - Edwin Jagger DE89L - Personna Roja #1 - Pre Proraso - Gibbs Nº 53 shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original Aloe Vera - ASL Gravity by COTY US + ASB Floïd.

Thursday morning:

Duke 2 in Best
Trumper's Sandalwood Cream
Futur + Derby
D.R. Harris Sandalwood AS

Cool and damp here this morning so I reached for products that I would normally use at a different time of year. Trying the Trumpers Cream for the first time; performance is great, but the scent is not quite what I expected and very different to the Harris AS. All in all, happy with the results.
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