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Attention you 1700+ guests aka lurkers

I just clicked "Who's Online" just for fun....

101 members and 1700+ Guests.....

If you're on the B&B and reading this post, you're obviously interested in improving your shaving....

Why not join and try to win free goodies.... :lol:



I would be curious as to how the statistics come to be, since they often reflect something far different from an "obvious" conclusion that may or may not be correct.
If a B&B member logs on, keeps the browser up, gets busy on other things, or maybe leaves the computer altogether, the session times out fairly quickly. Does that member's session then become that of a not-logged-on "lurker"? If so, that could explain a lot. Timed-off sessions may mistakenly show as lurkers. Having the page up for an hour, then left up but idle for many times that long, may be common.
Even if there is a genuine high participation of non-member lurkers, that is not a bad thing. Greater masses are getting exposed to the joys of traditional shaving, with or without committed membership. In fact, maybe they are more comfortable that way. As is attributed to Groucho Marx, "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member".
I would be curious as to how the statistics come to be, since they often reflect something far different from an "obvious" conclusion that may or may not be correct.
If a B&B member logs on, keeps the browser up, gets busy on other things, or maybe leaves the computer altogether, the session times out fairly quickly. Does that member's session then become that of a not-logged-on "lurker"? If so, that could explain a lot. Timed-off sessions may mistakenly show as lurkers. Having the page up for an hour, then left up but idle for many times that long, may be common.
Even if there is a genuine high participation of non-member lurkers, that is not a bad thing. Greater masses are getting exposed to the joys of traditional shaving, with or without committed membership. In fact, maybe they are more comfortable that way. As is attributed to Groucho Marx, "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member".

I fall in to that group that leaves my browser open constantly 24/7/365 and a tab for B&B is always available. And I keep it on my smartphone and tablet, too. My session(s) have never timed out.

Among those 1700 "guests" may be many non-humans, including but not limited to Search Engine "spiders" that are there in the infrastructure of the InterWebs and do things like monitor activity, track searches and keep a watchful eye on your other activities for statistical purposes.

Also there are the "bots" that do things like inspect Third-Party Cookies, decide what advertising to throw at you, and look at referrals, to get a pattern of where you came from and where you go next while viewing a B&B session.
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