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ATT New Open Combs first Photos.

Thanks for your patience.
Here are the first photos of our new Open Comb Stainless Steel Razors. Tell us what you think?
Our site will start accepting pre orders for these new items in the next couple of days.
The OC heads are identified as either H2, R2 or the M2.


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Beautiful! They look very thick and sturdy. Reminds me more of an R41 head versus a Gillette NEW in the teeth design. Any idea on the price? Which are generally the moderate to more efficient head?
Could you improve what to me is the best razor being made today? It looks like you have cant wait to order mine!!!!

Can you give us your sense of how these open combs will shave differently from the safety bar razors that you already offer? How do I decide between purchasing one of your new OC razors or your SB razor?
this is the info i got from stan "Very, Very smooth. Did I say smooth. Same shave efficiency but noticeably milder on the skin. The comb allowing more protection from the lather on the skin is a bigger help than expected. Also with It seems to me that the OC allows you to modify the angle or degree of the razor heads contact with your face.
I very please and excited about how it has turned out. It has been a pain to get to this point but I believe it will bring a lot of satisfaction and pleasure to a lot of shavers.
Please feel free to share this info.

and yes ill be buying at least both heads and maybe the complete spiral handle also
can i ask what about a set of just the heads? like one top cap and all three baseplates? is that something you would consider offering as a set (or maybe there are plans to already?)

Any chance you could let a few of these base plates slip out early for testing so we can get some reviews going here?

They look great but I'd really love to know how they shave.

I'm sure you would have no shortage of volunteers, myself included.

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