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ATG pull under chin?

I use a DE89 with barbasol. I first go wtg and then against it on the second pass, but there's a lot of pulling. I've used feathers, personna reds etc but always get tugging and pulling. Oddly enough, the Fusion Proglide doesn't tug as much there.
Give a try to J-hooking with very light pressure.


Also I just start out buffing sometimes... before my skin has had a couple passes. I know that may go against the "beard reduction" philosophy... but the less time i spend going over some spots, the better.

Now my cheeks? I LOVE the feel of ATG on them. Very therapeutic, shaving my cheeks.
I can't yet do ATG on the area below my chin. I usually do WTG and then XTG. After that I might try ATG but I think sometimes the way the hair grows just makes it tough to cut comfortably.
A shallow angle under the chin may help. Hair growth , coarseness and direction can make things tricky. Lather generously.
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