Any experience with it? I've heard some good things, and the descriptions I've read sound like it's a scent right up my alley. I'd love some input from those of you who've tried it, or similar scents!
I have a sample vial of it. I have worn it twice, and actually just wore it yesterday. I like it a lot. I haven't tried a ton of vetiver frags, but where TF Grey Vetiver is a bit more grey/green and fresh, I would say Vetiver Fatal gives off an orange/red vibe... like a warm scent. Reminds me of TdH in that way. Longevity is very good. I could still smell it on my wrists after 10 hours or so yesterday.
The first time I wore it, I absolutely loved it and was trying to convince myself to get a bottle right away. After I wore it yesterday, I was kinda thinking that TdH would probably scratch my itch for it.