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Astra versus Bolzano.

Feathers and Astra are my normal blades in an appr. 70-30% ratio.
Can someone who used both compare the Bolzano superinox blades with the Astra's?
I've not tried the Astras, but I really like the Bolzanos. I find them to be smooth and pretty sharp, but not as sharp as a Feather.
Hehe, that's exactly how I would describe the Astra's. :001_smile

Then there is probably no point in buying them.
For me, the jury is still out on Bolzano. Yesterday, I tried them for the first time in my Slant using Musgo cream and the day after using a Feather blade. Not a good shave at all. It may have been the blade was not aligned in my slant so today I adjusted the blade. Today's shave was with Tabac, which usually delivers the goods and it did. I don't think I got as close as with Feathers or Iridiums. I also don't think I got as close with Astras or Yellow Gillettes. It compared more like Red Pack Personnas. I'll have to see how tomorrow goes and may need to use another blade before I come to a conclusion on Bolzano baldes but right now if I were to give you advice I'd say stick with the Astras. Astra is a good blade and they are pretty inexpensive compared to Bolzano.
Astra is a good blade and they are pretty inexpensive compared to Bolzano.

About €7 more expensive for 100 blades. It would be not so bad if they were at least as good as the Astra's.
Thanks for the input.
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