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Asprin Toner?

After watching mantic's video on ingrown hairs, I looked into the asprin home-remedy and found that lots of people make up batches of toner with water, witch hazel and asprin. Some include glycerin. Lots of people have mentioned much smoother skin. Any thoughts on this.

Wondering if this could replace the witch hazel I use now. How cool would it be to get the clear skin/no ingrown hair remedy at the same time?
Now that is a good idea...to include asprin in witch hazel for toner. Please let us know if you have (or anyone you know) any experience with this!
yup. I use aspirin with my witch hazel toner. just crush 4-5 tablets to a fine powder and add them to the witch hazel product then shake.
Sometimes I use Neutrogena Skin Clearing Face Wash. The active ingredient is 1.5% Salicylic Acid.

Sometimes I'll actually shave before I shower and I'll use this soap on my face in the shower. It tingles. You can tell it is really doing something. A good hot soft water shower and then I don't apply any lotion to my face at all. I feel clean, soft and smooth. Then I snuggle up to a brandy and I'm good to go.

I bought it at Target.
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