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Art of Shaving In Las Vegas - Full Royal Treatment

While I was vacationing in Las Vegas, I had the full Haircut and Royal Shave at the Art of Shaving at the Mandalay.

Great experience and highly recommended!
I went to the Art of Shaving store at Mandalay as well and got some lemon soap and aftershave gel. Unlike what many people say here, the (all female) staff was very friendly, quick to tell me, my dad, and my uncle we could take as many sample packs as we wanted, and didn't try to push anything on us. The woman that greeted us even said "I obviously don't know how well any of this stuff works but I'll answer your questions as best as I can." There wasn't any sarcasm in the "obviously don't know..." She was just being very polite and helpful.

Glad you had a good experience! :thumbup1:
I got the same treatment yesterday. It was one of the best haircuts I've ever had, but the shave left the skin on my jawline badly irritated. The weird part of it (for me, anyway) is that the irritation started about an hour after I left the store.
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