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Arko Nation

I think there are very few shaving products that inspire more discussion than "Arko" does...with Williams Soap coming in a close 2nd. Not only the frequency of discussion, but also the level of "passion" discussed, whether pro or con. I think it's time for B&B to open a new forum, just for ARKO! I think it would be like throwing fresh meat into a swarm of hungry sharks! :) Just a thought..
As much as I like Arko, I really don't see a need for an entire forum dedicated to it. It's cheap. It works well. Enough said. :biggrin1:
I have a bad feeling all of these Arko threads are going to end up like the R41 and Weber threads ended up by being combined into one super thread.

Arko-zilla.... monster of threads.... $newgozila.gif
I don't know about need an Arko forum or sub-forum under Shaving Soaps. Maybe an "Arko-Item of the Week" sometime?
Arko doesn't need its own forum. All these separate threads praising Arko really should be in the Cult of Arko thread in the Shaving Soap forum. This way, Cult of Arko is always on the first page.
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