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Arko in diff't packaging.

Prolly been done a million times, but just thought it was fun: I mashed a stick of Arko into an old speed-stick deodorant container the other day. Works great for face lathering, just twist and up comes more as needed. Sure don't want it in my armpits though, so it's clearly marked. :lol:

First time in this subforum that I recall, so forgive me if this topic has been beaten to death.
Ok, later tonight. Oh and it was Irish spring deodorant, not speed stick ;)

Edit: crud, can't find the camera. Will post when I can find it.
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pix. not all that exciting, but for what it's worth:


Nice, I like it! Does it decrease the loading time on your face? I would think so because it covers more surface area than a stick.
Nice, I like it! Does it decrease the loading time on your face? I would think so because it covers more surface area than a stick.

I suppose, but it's not gonna change the timing a ton. I've arkoed-in-a-bowl so much that I'm having to relearn that you don't need to cake it on your face to get enough for a 3-pass shave. Working on backing off the "caking on", if you know what I mean.
Regularfella, someone has made MWF into a puck already. There is a thread about it somewhere on here but I did not bookmark it so I don't have a link. IIRC it worked quite well once he got it into the container. It may need to be grated in order to put it into a deodorant container (unlike Arko which is soft enough to force into a container without grating). If you go this route, please purchase a separate grater for grating soaps, you don't want your shredded cheese to taste like lanolin and sheep fur and neither does your girlfriend/significant other/wife/concubine.
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