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Hi, I'm rollie and I'm an Arko-holic, I tried canned goo when I was young but could never finish a can, I wanted something better.
I moved on to the Australian Palmolive/mennen shave stick and used it for many years.
I've used a lot of soaps and creams since then and I tried Arko somewhere along the way. I am still addicted to Arko.

Please identify and share your story.
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Another Arko thread!...
I use the stuff most everyday now, simply because

  • It works well
  • I have a ton to go through because
  • It's cheap

As to the proliferation of Arko threads, it has been said that God must love the common man, for he made so many of them. I'd say the same goes for Arko threads.
Arko is a part of my regular rotation. I used it this morning and I still find myself being amazed with the quality and value. I know... it's a love/hate thing but I'm a very happy believer. I will never be without a few sticks in my den.
I have some mighty fine soaps, D.R. Harris Windsor, Tabac, MWF, RazoRock, Mike's Natural etc. (yes I know I have a bit of a problem, thank you very much), but I reach for my Arko stick or homemade Arko bowl a couple of times a week.

I know that i'll always get a wonderful, easy lather leading to a terrific shave. Personally I like the scent, as does the Lady of the house. It's a win/win in my book.
Got 14 sticks on a one day deal from Amazon. Good thing I love the lather. I have enough to last for decades.
Hello, my name is Mike, and I have an Arko "problem".

So I just received two sticks, my first two sticks. I grated one into a Pyrex bowl and used it for the first time 20 minutes ago. I did a two full passes and a third on my neck. Arko is an awesome soap, lathered very easily (in my hard water), cushion was up there with the best, and it was really slick. It's a tallow based soap which, to me, makes it even better. My feels clean and although I didn't find it hugely moisturizing that's what they make balm for.

Ill quickly talk about the smell. I was braced for a urinal puck roller coaster ride, but that's NOT what I got. Is it heavily scented? Yes. Is it offensive? No. Ill add here that I'm currently awaiting my results from my beer judge exam so smelling things is sort of another hobby of mine. At any rate there is an initial opening of a lemony opening, but not the pure fresh squeezed lemon one might think, it does have a sort of "synthetic" impression and I can see where people get lemon cleaner. I thought that the lemon cleaner was going to dominate, but I was mistaken, the dominant aroma is Ivory Soap (or any other "soapy" soap you can think if). Do my full impression is basically a soapy base (think Williams) with overtones if lemony.

I'm hooked
I've yet to try it. Whenever my next shave related order is placed, I will include at least 2 or 3 sticks. I'm sure I will not be disappointed.
Bring on the scent!!:biggrin1:
Arko is good soap. Best idea is to get it from a Turkish shop, if you have one in your neighourhood.

I wouldn't bother with the Arko aftershave though!


Loves a smelly brush
Can't say, but mine came in the mail and I just used it. About to post in the other recent Arko thread that inspired me to order it with my impressions.
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