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Aristocrat with bum wing.


I need a flea bath
I just aquired a user grade Aristocrat. Cleaned up pretty decent. The only problem is it has a lazy door. It only opens half way. And then when closing it I have to tap the top of it and then it locks tight. Any way to fix that or should I just keep tapping. I want to give it a go in the morning.
The hinge might be gummed up with something. I had one like that too. Otherwise, it's slightly bent. It can be bent so slightly that it's imperceptible and still be enough to cause that lazy door action. I'd try lubrication first to rule out the former.
Have you given the head a good going over? I have an Aristocrat that had a lazy door and it turned out that one of the endcaps was bent ever so slightly. I used a flathead screwdriver to jimmy it out a bit. Worked out fine but a little nerve racking.


I need a flea bath
The hinge might be gummed up with something. I had one like that too. Otherwise, it's slightly bent. It can be bent so slightly that it's imperceptible and still be enough to cause that lazy door action. I'd try lubrication first to rule out the former.

What would you lubricate it with? It has gone through its scrubbing bubble soak and toothbrush cleaning so I think I got the gunk out of it.


I need a flea bath
Have you given the head a good going over? I have an Aristocrat that had a lazy door and it turned out that one of the endcaps was bent ever so slightly. I used a flathead screwdriver to jimmy it out a bit. Worked out fine but a little nerve racking.

I will try that after lubrication. It does sound kind of nerve racking.
I've had luck with WD-40, but you have to be very, VERY careful not to get it near any black paint. Maybe saturating the head of a cotton swab would allow you to use it precisely. I haven't tried that though.
The hinge might be gummed up with something. I had one like that too. Otherwise, it's slightly bent. It can be bent so slightly that it's imperceptible and still be enough to cause that lazy door action. I'd try lubrication first to rule out the former.

David, I have an Aristocrat that also has a slightly lazy door, which I am willing to live with since it causes no problems. However, you say the hinge may be gummed; what is it you are lubricating? The hinge, the internal mechanism? The hinge looks to be sufficiently loose that I wouldn't think it would need lubricating, but will certainly try it if that is what you mean.
It's hard to be sure, as my crystal ball is sometimes cloudy, so lets talk in general terms. The razor should be symmetrical, meaning one side and all parts comprising that side should mirror the other in shape and position. The razor parts should mirror each other as they move. Turning the knob the doors should lift at the same time etc.

As soon as you spot an anomaly, look at the good side and identify the parts and surfaces responsible, once that has been done look at the corresponding side that fails and you should be able to see what looks different and thus why it failed.

Become one with the razor and time will stop as you travel razor surfaces.
(It also helps if you have sitar music playing in the background.)


I need a flea bath
Shaved with that 1950 Aristocrat with the bum wing this morning. Sweeet! It was my 1st shave with an Aristocrat. Very close, very comftorable. It sure has a spot in my rotation.:thumbup1:
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