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Aristocrat ID

My stepfather had this razor in a dresser drawer for years. Since he died it's been in my dresser drawer for years. I've never used a safety razor. Can someone tell me anything about it?
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Going to let the gurus handle the ID, but WOW what a razor. I'd start by guessing early 40s based on the knurling, then more specific based on notched/un-notched, etc. Never seen one quite this pretty before.
First of all. welcome to B&B!

Secondly, that set in amazing! It is a early solid bar Aristocrat that has been identified also in Regent Tech sets. You have the shipper box and the original blades. PM me and I will suggest a value. Beautiful set.
Going to let the gurus handle the ID, but WOW what a razor. I'd start by guessing early 40s based on the knurling, then more specific based on notched/un-notched, etc. Never seen one quite this pretty before.

The lack of end caps would put it as the earliest of all solid bar Aristocrats. That would put it as pre-WWII or the 1941 range.
never seen one, but I second cfriend's thought - my guess: 1941 Aristocrat - no end caps... similar/same as the the 1940, 41 Regent Tech.

What a beauty!
That is one awesome set. I never saw or even realized the closed comb Aristocrat came in the metal case. That's very impressive.

Superb first post!! The Aristocrat is one of my favorite razors, and that looks to be a pristine expample.

Welcome to B&B.

Enjoy the site!!
As someone suggested in a PM, I opened one of the blades which bore an L-4 marking, so it appears it is a 1941 set. Thanks for your help in identifying this.
Everyone else has pretty much said everything, and I was speechless from drooling! :drool::drool::drool: What a way to get started here at B&B! Welcome to our your new forum! Your photography skills are impressive as well!
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